What to look forward to in 2024
Just like the previous year, I'd like to start the year by pausing for a moment and focusing on what am I working towards. In this post I’ll share with…
Check out my selection of personal notes to the reader, including my latest hand-written year in reviews, AMA’s, announcements, and more.
Just like the previous year, I'd like to start the year by pausing for a moment and focusing on what am I working towards. In this post I’ll share with…
As we wrap up 2023, this year in review is a distillation of the most important things I have learned about life, creativity and business in 2023. Central learning of 2023: enjoy the process.
Every year I'd like to do an AMA roundup to answer some of your burning questions. This year insiders asked about everything from things I wondered about as a child…
Here's a transcript of my answer to a reader's question about something I used to value, but not anymore.
Here’s a transcript of my answer to a reader’s question on things that I’d like to see more of in the world.
Thank you to all of the loyal readers who subscribed this year.
Here's a transcript of my answer to the reader's question about promoting your creative work.
Here’s a transcript of my answer to the readers’ question about my vision for this blog.
Here’s a transcript of my answer to the question on the type of books I prefer to read.