A step closer to a world where every girl has the opportunity to learn and lead
Check out my selection of personal notes to the reader, including my latest hand-written year in reviews, AMA’s, announcements, and more.
Here’s a transcript of my answer to a reader’s question on things that I’d like to see more of in the world.
Thank you to all of the loyal readers who subscribed this year.
Here's a transcript of my answer to the reader's question about promoting your creative work.
Here’s a transcript of my answer to the readers’ question about my vision for this blog.
Here’s a transcript of my answer to the question on the type of books I prefer to read.
Here’s a transcript of my answer to the question about building your own creative career.
Here’s a transcript of my answer to the question on how to procastranate less.
Through The Decoded I share what I know, learn and go through with others.
Here’s a transcript of my answer to the question How I come up with ideas for writing.