My Top 10 Favourite Quotes about Gratitude

My Top 10 Favourite Quotes about Gratitude

I’ve spent a lot of time trying to collect useful wisdom that I could share in short, inspiring phrases. Being able to tap into gratitude every day is something I truly value and hold close. I hope you enjoy the following quotes about gratitude that I’ve collected for you.

Under each inspirational quote, you can find the source of the quote. Scroll down to browse them all.




Quotes about gratitude

Here are 1 piece of writing wisdom from some of the greatest authors of all time. I’ll update this section from time to time to make sure it’s updated.



Singer, songwriter, and actress Dolly Parton on the value of keeping your eyes open for unexpected joys:

“I make a point to appreciate all the little things in my life, because I learned early that if you don’t, you get disappointed a lot. If you do, you might be pleasantly surprised quite often.

I go out and smell the air after a good, hard rain. I re-read passages from my favorite books. I hold the little treasures that somebody special gave me. By keeping my eyes open for unexpected joys, I find the world gives back more than we sometimes think.”

Source: Dolly Parton in Dream More (paraphrased).



More quotes coming soon.


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Last note

It’s always a pleasure to hand-pick these inspirational quotes for you. In the Tiny Bits newsletter, I share a thoughtful and inspirational quote every month, as I’ve collected many of them along the way. Sign up for this newsletter if you haven’t yet.


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