Q&A: If I could travel anywhere in the world, where would I like to go next?

Q&A: If I could travel anywhere in the world, where would I like to go next?

Every month, I publish an answer to a reader’s question. Here’s a transcript of my answer to the reader question about travelling.

Hey Lisanne, I love to travel, so I’m wondering where you would travel to if you had the chance.

One of the reasons I love to travel is the opportunity to explore the world with the people I want to share it with. I love trekkings for that reason.

When I think of new travels, I’d love to make more trips by motorbike and go off grid. I’ve never visited Bhutan for example — a country that fascinates me on many levels. Particularly fascinating is their emphasis on the importance of collective happiness and well-being over the accumulation of wealth. I hope to visit one day.

I’ve also never been to Iceland before, which is on my list too. Those hotsprings look very comfortable, and I’ve heard many great stories about them. I’ve many dreams when it comes to travelling actually. We’ll see how it goes.

Where would you travel next? Share your plans in the comment section!


Thank you for reading. This reader’s question is part of the Ask Me Anything series. I’d love to answer more of your interesting questions and get a sense of your interests. If you have questions to extend this Ask Me Anything section, please let me know. I like to hear from you. Send me your question via team@lisanneswart.com

Here is a list of the last 3 readers’ questions I’ve answered:

» Explore more answers to thought-provoking questions



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