Q&A: How much of one’s success do I attribute to luck versus hard work?

Q&A: How much of one’s success do I attribute to luck versus hard work?

Every month, I publish an answer to a reader’s question. Here’s a transcript of my answer to the reader question about the role of luck versus hard work:

How much of your success do you attribute to luck vs skill? Could your success be reasonably replicated by a hard-working person, or do the conditions not exist as much anymore?

Thank you for your question. It gave me something to think about and I’m happy to answer.

Earlier, I came across an experiment that studied behavior to see if it could be controlled, and I found the results fascinating. During World War II, the behaviorist B.F. Skinner conducted an experiment known as Project Pigeon, or Project Orcon, at Harvard. In this experiment, Skinner trained pigeons to earn food by tapping a button, teaching them to peck for a reward.

In the first set of experiments, the pigeons got food every time they pecked. In other arrangements, Skinner stopped giving them food as a reward, and in some instances, after the pigeon got food, the system stopped dispensing treats for, say, 60 seconds. Once the time passed, if the bird pecked, it received another reward. Skinner then varied the timing between the food rewards randomly.

The most interesting part of this experiment was that the most pecks were elicited by intermittently rewarding the behaviour with a random time interval before the reward appeared. Under these conditions where rewards were variable, the pigeons went bonkers – one bird pecked the glass 2.5 times a second for an unbelievable 16 hours, whilst another tapped 87,000 times over a day despite getting rewarded for the behaviour less than 1% of the time.

In other words, a random interval happened to be the strongest form of conditioning, compared to consistent time or number-related responses. In other words, the pigeons tried harder when they received rewards that were unpredictable.

I’m mentioning this because I think most careers, especially in the creative industries, are actually quite far from merit based. There are too many actors, directors, and other artists who all have the talent, credentials and work experience, yet the hours they put into it translate to very different work opportunities and paycheck.

So what explains the difference then, between the pigeon that gets the reward, versus the pigeon that pecked the door as many times but didn’t receive the reward? Or between you and everyone who went to the same school or grew up in the same neighbourhood or worked for the same company?

Some people might argue it was luck since the reward that followed was random, while others would claim it was the pecking that ultimately earned them the reward.

In reality, both of these insights are true. Without the pecking, there would have been no chance for a reward, yet the pigeon who received the reward was indeed lucky.

So I like to emphasize that the success that certain people have enjoyed has been due to their own efforts, for sure, but it’s also been due to so much beyond them.

Where you are born is still one of the main predictors of success in life, and the efforts and support from others are crucial too. Amsterdam for example is a safe and prosperous place, which has kept me away from things that some other people had to endure.

Besides that, proper schooling was part of my childhood and I was able to go to university as well. The world also treats me differently because of my skin color, and if I develop health issues, I can seek medical care immediately. I also didn’t choose my parents or the moments of history I was born into. Success is usually a mix of genes, helpful connections, perfect timing, and countless other factors that are impossible to foresee.

Therefore, I feel success is more like a cocktail of things that you can – and can not control. I think perseverance and success is often sold as an individual pursuit, when it’s not. The things we get to do, we never do them alone.

To me, the tricky thing about privilege is that we often don’t even think about it. Privileges are just there – they are given to us (for free). It’s easy to take them for granted as we never experienced otherwise. It’s nearly impossible to be aware of all of our privileges all the time, but it’s a refreshing reminder to me that luck plays its part, and that some form of humbleness is appropriate given the world we are living in.

While luck versus hard work are often seen as opposing forces, they can actually complement each other. While you definitely need focus, hard work, and fearlessness to deliver great work, it feels better to acknowledge the fact that there are many things that are beyond our control and to be grateful for the people who give you the space to continue making mistakes without losing trust in you. We need people to get stuff done, and it doesn’t diminish your accomplishments at all.

I’m curious what you think! Share your insights on the key attributes that shape this balance below.


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Thank you for reading. This reader’s question is part of the Ask Me Anything series. I´d love to answer more of your interesting questions and get a sense of your interests. If you have questions to extend this Ask Me Anything section, please let me know. I like to hear from you. Send me your question via team@lisanneswart.com

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