Q&A: What do I consider the most valuable skill everyone should master?

Q&A: What do I consider the most valuable skill everyone should master?

This month I received the following reader’s question, what is the number 1, most valuable skill everyone should master?

We learn a lot of things in school. From how to count, spell and speak. Undoubtedly all are useful skills but I feel emotional competence is a skill that we need to have more conversations about. I’ve come to understand it is often overlooked, yet it plays such a crucial role in how we connect with others and navigate our own feelings. I wish everyone has the awareness and the competence to make decisions that serve us well. Our emotional makeup is underneath everything we do and so determines the way we look at ourselves and others. It influences the way you feel and it ultimately influences your actions. So to live our best lives we do well by getting to know ourselves.

What skill do you think everyone should master? Let me know in the comments!

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Thank you for reading. This reader’s question is part of the Ask Me Anything series. Feedback from you, the reader, is important to me. Want to ask me a question for next month? Send me yours team@lisanneswart.com


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